Short Stories

Twilight of the Gods

. . . Now, standing in her room, Mir gazed into the half night, into that in-between world of not yet.  Jax’s dream for the future and her memories of the past were slipping away from her, as sure as the tears now slipped from her cheeks.  She tried desperately to hold on to the thought of them—to the thought of him, but it was no use.  Reality had seeped in and she was alone.  Jax had been her connection to a life that once was and to a promise that was still yet to be.  He had been a buffer to the bleakness of this world, just like this place was a buffer to the outside world.  But now, a stark reality was moving in, as sure as the rising sea waters encroached upon the high ground. 

Twilight of the Gods will be published later this year by Sunbury Press as a part of their Climate Fiction Anthology.

Click here to read the first part!